Xanax Build for Kodi

In this article, we are going to show you how to install Xanax Build on a Fire TV Stick (Firestick), Android device, PC, Mac, Xbox, etc.


Xanax has fast become the Kodi build of choice for those in the know. The Xanax Kodi Build is lightweight with over 40 addons it’s a great build to start with.

Honestly, once you are in Kodi, the steps are the same regardless of the device. In this article, we will be showing you how to install Xanax build on Firestick.

team xanax kodi logo



2 Ways To Install Xanax Build

install image

Use the following steps to get Xanax up and running on Kodi. Bear in mind that if you don’t have a working VPN when installing and running Xanax that some or all parts of it may not work

  1. Open up Kodi
  2. Click on settings
  3. Click System
  4. Turn on Unknown sources
  5. Go back to the previous screen and click File Manager
  6. Click add source
  7. Click “Add None”
  8. In the “Enter the paths or browse for the media locations” URL bar type in the following URL exactly: http://xanaxrepo.com/repo/ (If the link doesn’t work, Xanax is also in the Slamious repo and wizard)
  9. Name the source Xanax
  10. Go back to the Addons menu
  11. Click the box icon that appears above the video addons selection on the menu
  12. Install from Zip file
  13. Click the Xanax file and then install from repository
  14. Click Build Menu once the installation completes
  15. Choose the build which you prefer
  16. Choose Force close once the build has installed and restart Kodi
  17. Your brand-new Xanax Build should be ready to go


Video on How to get Xanax on a Firestick

How to Install the Xanax Kodi Build with Step by Step Screenshots

  1. Click the cogwheel in the upper left corner of the home screen (if your version of Kodi doesn’t look like this, you probably have different skin. Look for settings, system, interface, and change the skin to Estuary if you want to follow the steps with the screens looking the same.)

step 1 kodi


2. Scroll to System in the lower right corner and click it.

step 2 kodi install


3. Select Add-ons in the left column.

step 3 kodi


4. Click on Unknown sources.

step 4 install


5. Click Yes.

step 5


6. Take one step back and click File manager in the upper left corner of the System page.

install slamious kodi build step 6


7. Click on Add source.

step 7


8. Click on <None>.

step 8


9. Type the URL exactly as: http://xanaxrepo.com/repo/ (Kodi is really finicky about URL’s, so take care to type it correctly).

xanax kodi build install source url


10. Click OK.

click ok


11. Click on the box under “Enter a name for this media source”

name the media source


12. Name is Xanax

name the source xanax


13. Click OK again

click ok


14. Click OK again.

click ok again


15. Click on Add-ons.

click on addons


16. Click on Install from zip file.

click on install from zip file


17. Click on Xanax.

click on xanax


18. Click on xanax-repo.zip

click on xanax-repo


19. Wait for a popup in the upper right corner saying the Xanax Repository Add-on Installed (be patient).

xanax add-on installed kodi


20. Click on Install from repository.

Install Xanax Build


21. Click on Xanax Repository.

Install Xanax Build


22. Click on Program add-ons.

click on program add-ons


23. Click on XANAX Wizard.

Install Xanax Build


24. Click on Install.

Install Xanax Build


25. Click on Continue.

Install Xanax Kodi Build


26. Click on Build Menu.

Install Xanax Kodi Build


27. Select any of the Xanax server hosts.

Install Xanax Kodi Build


28. Select Fresh Install (note this will delete any previously added addons. if you don’t want them deleted, you can pick standard install).

Install Xanax Kodi Build


29. Wait for the files to download and then install.

Install Xanax Build

Install Xanax Build


30. Select Force Close

Install Xanax Build


31. Reload Kodi and give it about 5 minutes before using to update all the addons

Install Xanax Build

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Legal Disclaimer: ReviewVPN.com does not encourage or endorse any illegal activity involved in the usage of services and applications referenced on this site. We do not verify the licensing agreements of services. The end-user is wholly responsible for ensuring that any media accessed through these services does not violate copyright and/or licensing laws. ReviewVPN does not promote, link to, or receive compensation from any Apps and IPTV services.



ReviewVPN cannot attest to the legality, security and privacy of the applications discussed on this site. It is highly recommended that you use a VPN service while streaming or using Kodi.

Currently, your IP is visible to everyone and your Browser is being tracked by Advertisers & ISP Provider.

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Here are the main reasons why you must use a VPN:

  • Your activities are hidden from your ISP, the government, and from the apps you are using.
  • You can access additional movies and TV streams.
  • ISP attempts to throttle are thrwarted thus reducing buffering issues.
  • Geographically restricted content like Netflix and Hulu can be unblocked.

A VPN works be replacing your ISP-assigned IP address and creating an encrypted tunnel. We recommend the no log service offered by IPVanish. It works well on a Firestick and offers the fastest possible speeds.

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What is Xanax Build?

xanax kodi build logo

The Xanax Build comes from the makers of the popular, retired Durex Build, with reduced file size and increased usability.


Xanax Build Features

  • Over 40 addons
  • ~300MB in size
  • Similar to Durex
  • Wide range of skins
  • Easy to navigate menu
  • Real Debrid compatible
  • Created by established developers
  • IPTV
  • Kids TV
  • Adults section>


How to use Xanax Build APK on a Firestick

The creators of Xanax release an APK of Kodi with the Xanax wizard integrated within it. This has the advantage of being easier to install. It also allows users to run two instances of Kodi on the same device. Keep in mind that APK files are for Android devices like the Fire TV Stick, Nvidia Shield, Android TV, etc. Also, keep in mind that the Firestick currently uses the ARM 7 32 bit version while the Nvidia Shield would work better with the 64-bit version. You can find the most updated APK in the developer’s Filelinked store using code: 45691709. Watch the video on how to install Xanax from the APK to learn how to use Filelinked.

We do not host the APK file, but we have found a link. This is the 32-bit version intended for Firestick. The version in the APK file is currently 18.8. This is updated to match the latest version of Kodi.

download kodi xanax build apk

Xanax Build Addons include the following:

Exodus Redux

exodus redux logo

Exodus Redux is one of the most famous Kodi add-ons that offers a wide range of movies, series, documentaries, kids shows, and many more.

You can easily look out for any movie or TV show depending on genres, year, people, languages, and many more. You can also link your IMDb or trakt account to manage your movies and TV shows. This add-on also has a different section for documentaries.

Not only does this add-on have an enormous library of shows but also does it offer the latest movies and series available in other streaming apps.



Destiny logo

Destiny considers itself bigger and faster than other addons, although they offer the same services when it comes to streaming videos.

It has a trakt feature for all of the TV series and shows on your on-going watch list. You can also select the “Next Up” feature immediately after every episode to play the next one.

Other features:

  • Offers Sports channels
  • Has a kids selection feature
  • Can build a Jen addon inside this addon
  • Can build a personalized list of AceStream channels
  • No need real debrid to watch torrent
  • Can take scrapers from any addons




deathstar install

Deathstar addon offers both video content and music content. You can stream movies, series, music, sports, and many more using this Kodi addon.

It is somehow like a Kodi build although it is not because it has a feature that can also store other addons. Most of these addons are also new to the Kodi app. But because of them, you may consider Deathstar as a complete package for your streaming.

Some add-ons available on Deathstar:

  • GrindHousE
  • WOW
  • M.E.T.V
  • AthenA
  • OddsNEnds
  • The Wasteland
  • TheMad Titas
  • Raven



Aptoide Kodi Logo

Aptoide houses over 800 000 applications, most of which are not available on the official and famous app stores like Google Play, Amazon App Store, and Apple App Store. You can have aptoide on your devices and also on Kodi app. 

It has three main categories for the apps:  Most Popular, Games, and Applications. You can see many different types of games like strategy games, educational, adventure, and many more. And also different types of applications such as dating app, apps about parenting, video-players-editors, and some other useful apps.

You just have to make sure that the apps you are about to download are compatible with your device. On Kodi however, you will need to identify a download location for the apps.



MetalliQ 4Qed

This addon is used to stream music, movies, and TV shows. It needs to have another addon from the same repository named 4QED Filters to find the links and play videos on torrent.

Movies are sorted into different categories such as Blockbusters, Genres, In theatres, Popular, Top Rated, Most Played, Most Watched, Trending, and many more. On the other hand, the TV shows category has the following sections: Genres, On the air, Popular, Top Rated, Most Played, Most watched, etc.

Like any other video addons, the sections of MetalliQ 4Qed are supported by TMDb and Trakt features.


Rising Tide

Rising Tides Logo

Rising Tides addon offers contents about sports. Most of the time, it focuses on streaming football highlights and live shows.

You can also stream other sports channels, live PPV events, and other extra live content using Rising Tides.

The interface of this addon is simple and on point.




NuMb3r5 Logo

NuMb3r5 which can be read as Numbers has a name that is like a code at first glance. It seems like it is not a word itself or it is like a password for your social media accounts. But NuMb3r5 is another video add-on for Kodi that can be seen under Cellar Door TV Repository. It also finds links for your videos.

Under the main menus of NuMb3r5 you will see the following options: Movies, TV Shows, Kidzone, Collections, Networks, Boxsets, Documentaries, 24/7, Music, Fitness, Screensavers, Learning, UFC, Recipes, JEN, System, and Search.

Although, some might say that NuMb3r5 is not that legal. It is prohibited to be used in some other countries. We really recommend using a VPN like Surfshark if you choose to install this add-on.


Maverick TV

Maverick TV offers a lot of content. You can stream movies, TV shows, sports, live TV, and many more. This addon is similar to DejaVU. Both add-ons came from the same repository, both offer enormous selections to choose from. One difference is that Maverick TV does not offer music contents

This addon provides both free links and Debrids to stream the videos. It is compatible with real debrids users.

Here is the list of the sections provided by Maverick TV:

  • Search Movies and TV Shows
  • Debrid Movies 4K UHD
  • New Movie Releases
  • Debrid Classic Movies HD
  • Latest TV Shows
  • One Click TV Shows
  • WWE/AEW/UFC/Sports Replay
  • HD Sports Replay (RD Only)
  • The Comedians (18+)
  • Daily Motion TV
  • Documentaries and Catchup TV 
  • Fluxus Playlist/TV Channels
  • Free To Air TV
  • Maverick World CCTV
  • Maverick Movie List
  • Classic British Cinema
  • Bond, James Bond
  • Klassic Kids TV
  • Kids Movie Boxsets
  • Movie Genres
  • Live in Concert
  • The Jukebox
  • Online Radio
  • Maverick Tool Box
  • DS9 Sports



The Magic Dragon

magic dragon kodi addon

The Magic Dragon addon is a lair of video contents especially movies, TV shows, series, documentaries, and the like.  It is somehow faster than other video addons available on Kodi. It authorizes Real Debrid easily as it provides a section on its home page for that feature.

You can easily search for movies using this addon.

It has a feature where you can donate through paypal. 

Full list of sections / features present on The Magic Dragon addon:

  • Donate Here – paypal.me/PyramidRaider
  • “Movie Search”
  • New Release
  • Documentary’s
  • People Watching
  • Requested Movies
  • New Release HD Debrid Only
  • Movie Releases
  • Christmas 2020
  • Cams/HDTS Releases
  • Debrid Movies
  • 4K Movies Debrid Only
  • Latest Episodes / Seasons
  • Kids
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Radio
  • Sports
  • TV/Entertainment

Dead Addons

Some of the add-ons included on the Xanax build are not functioning or hard to download anymore. Check out this list to find out which add-ons are those.

  • Monster Munch
  • Deceit
  • Supremacy Sports
  • Just Sports
  • STVPro
  • Kiddo
  • JoyRide
  • Gen X
  • M-TV Guide
  • StarTec AIO


What is Kodi?

Kodi has been around since 2002 and is now on Version 18 .6 of the famous software. Downloaded tens of millions of times. Kodi has been downloaded over 50 million times and for good reason. The software is feature-rich and has a wealth of media playing and storage features as well as allowing playback of multiple video formats.

The software is still relatively light and also has multiple language supports.

Kodi has attracted some widespread negative attention because it works with such a large library of third-party add-ons that allow users to stream and watch content, which is of some times of questionable origin.


What is a Build?

Kodi can be a daunting piece of software to work with for the first time. As a highly versatile piece of software, it has a seemingly endless amount of functions as well as a library of thousands of add-ons.

Luckily that’s where builds come in. Builds are put together by hobbyist developers and bring together all the key elements of a great Kodi experience.

Each build will be custom designed to feature the best addons, customizable skins as well as a host of changeable features meaning that with one installation you have an experience that is ready to go.

A good build can save you hours of browsing and downloading. Check our list of Best Kodi Builds.


Should I Use Xanax Build With a VPN?

One of the reasons we always recommend utilizing a Virtual Private Network on your device is to keep private and secure when doing any online activities. Your internet service provider, on the other hand, has access to everything you do and retains logs of every activity, which makes you less private.

That is why, to stay safe and private online, we recommend using a VPN. One of the best VPNs that we highly recommend is Surfshark,  as it will encrypt your real IP address, identity, and online activities automatically to keep you anonymous. Surfshark offers a variety of remarkable features and security services, including the following:

  • You can access more content and even unblock Netflix and other platforms.
  • Supports P2p file-sharing activities which makes it applicable to torrenting
  • Bypass restrictions and geo-blocks to access lots of content.
  • This VPN service has more than 3200+ servers in 65 countries
  • Military-grade AES-256 encryption follows FIPS that oversee the handling of sensitive data.
  • It follows a strict No-Logs Policy
  • DNS Leak Protection is active by default.
  • No Bandwidth limits – you can enjoy a full-speed VPN connection without any throttling.
  • It works on all devices and can secure an unlimited number of devices.
  • 24/7 customer support.


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How to Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick

If your Firestick still has the older interface, read this article to learn how to update it: Update Firestick Interface.

Follow our screenshots below to install the SurfShark VPN app on your Fire TV stick.

1. Go to the Home screen of your Firestick.

step 1 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


2. Navigate towards the Find tab. Press the Search button from the resulting dropdown.

step 2 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


3. Type in the keyword of SurfShark and select from the suggestions that will appear.

step 3 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


4. Click the official SurfShark icon from your search results.

step 4 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


5. Press the Download (You own it) button.

step 5 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


6. The SurfShark VPN installer will download on your device.

step 6 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


7. SurfShark VPN’s app will automatically install itself on your Fire TV stick.

step 7 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


8. Press the Open button after completing SurfShark VPN’s installation process.

step 8 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


9. Please wait for the SurfShark VPN to load its user interface.

step 9 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


10. You can now log in with your SurfShark VPN account credentials.

step 10 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick

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Other VPNs to Consider

NordVPN (Best for Streaming)

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  • 1200+ Servers in 60+ Countries around the world
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  • Top Notch Military-Grade VPN Protocols and Encryptions
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  • Yearly $3.99 per month (63% Discount) – 30 days risk free + Ransomware & Malware Protection
  • Quarterly $5.32 per month (51% Discount)
  • Monthly $10.99 per month


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Xanax Build Alternatives

We really loved Xanax, but it always pays to have a few backs upbuilds if Xanax goes down. Our top picks would be:


Is it Safe to Use?

Xanax has plenty of trusted reviews and is widely used. The repository has a good reputation for providing virus free builds.

The biggest danger when downloading files for Kodi is that you try to get the file from a source that isn’t directly linked to the repository.

There are many websites out there, that provide very similar URL addresses or copycat sites, to entice you to download the file from them. This is why you should only use the exact URL’s you have been provided.

If you doubt the source your file comes from then be sure to scan the file with professional Malware detection software prior to opening it.

Is It Free?


When Was It Released?

Xanax is a pretty new build, released in 2019

Our Opinion

Xanax is a great build and is more lightweight than most. Also coming from an established developer fills us with confidence about its usability and also the developer’s ability to only keep addons that are up to date.



Final Thoughts

We hope that this article helps you with how to install Xanax Build on Kodi. Thank you for reading!


Note: ReviewVPN.com does not own or operate any app nor does it endorse any. The main purpose of this article is strictly for educational purposes only.


See Also

Best Firestick Apps

Best Unlinked Codes

Free Movie Streaming Websites

Best TV Show Websites

Best Adult Apps for Firestick

Top Live TV Apps

Install Swift Streamz on Firestick

Best Kissanime.RU Alternatives 

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One thought on “Install Xanax Build on Firestick – Two Methods & Review

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