Ultimate Whitecream Kodi Addon
Ultimate Whitecream was one of the popular adult Kodi addons for pornography as well as live links and cam stuff until mid-2018 when it suddenly went dark for no reason.
Luckily the addon’s development has been picked up by a dedicated developer who is really helping to keep it updated and fixed, as well as accepting commits and issues through GitHub which opens it up to the community to fix.
A great add-on with a good mix of content, as well as an inbuilt ad blocker, which stops any annoying advert which may pop up in the content from the original link providers.
Source: https://fusion.tvaddons.co
Common Errors
Here are the 4 most common errors you are likely to come across when using Ultimate White Cream:
Could not connect to URL/Download:
Quick Navigation
- The most common reason why people get an error when trying to download Ultimate White Cream or any other Kodi add-on is that they just misspell the add-on URL. So, make sure that you double-check the spelling and that the add-on is coming from the right repository. There have been several problems with Ultimate White Cream, but it seems to have found a home in Dobbelina’s GitHub. Also, you have the dual problem that Ultimate White Cream is both a Kodi add-on as well as an adult content add-on. So, the chances are high that your Internet Service Provider may block your access to the add-on as well as the content. To make sure you can circumvent any content blocks you can have a quality Tier 1 VPN installed. If the problem persists then read our in-depth fix guide linked above.
Script Error:
- A script error comes from a missing or corrupted script. This could either be in the Ultimate White Cream add-on or your Kodi installation. To check, try to reinstall the Kodi add-on from the URL above. If you continue to get a script error, then the problem lies with your Kodi installation. A previous add-on or download could have downloaded a crucial script on Kodi. Now it’s unable to download other add-ons. To find out how to update or install a fresh version of Kodi read our fix guide linked above.
Kodi check log error:
- An error in your Kodi check log can mean many things. But most likely you just need to empty your media cache. Every piece of media on your add ons and content is cached as a snippet in your media cache. Over time this cache fills up and needs to be emptied. To find out how to do that and more, read our in-depth fix guide linked above.
- Source not working/slow/frozen:
- When sources don’t work, it could be for several reasons. Either the source is broken, give it 15 seconds, and if you still have a black screen. Then refresh the source to double-check. Move onto the next source and make sure you are using a VPN. Check here for the best VPN deal. For other fixes read our fix guide linked above.
Since Dobbelina picked up Ultimate Whitecream and started keeping it updated in March, Ultimate Whitecream has become one of the best adult Kodi add ons available.
A great range of content as well as cam recordings through Chaturbate. Also, a lot of the links are in 720p and 1080p, as well as a good community forum for flagging problems. The fact that the developer is picking up commits that can be publicly raised is also a great sign, with the most recent fix and update coming only 3 days ago which is admirable.
Thankfully the developer has fixed many of the massive problems the add-on was having before it went dark in 2018, it lost a lot of users after lying dormant for 6 months, good to see it back up and running.
ReviewVPN cannot attest to the legality, security and privacy of the applications discussed on this site. It is highly recommended that you use a VPN service while streaming or using Kodi. Currently, your IP is visible to everyone and your Browser is being tracked by Advertisers & ISP Provider. Here are the main reasons why you must use a VPN: A VPN works be replacing your ISP-assigned IP address and creating an encrypted tunnel. We recommend the no log service offered by IPVanish. It works well on a Firestick and offers the fastest possible speeds.YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY IS BEING WATCHED
Legal Disclaimer: ReviewVPN.com does not encourage or endorse any illegal activity involved in the usage of services and applications referenced on this site. We do not verify the licensing agreements of services. The end-user is wholly responsible for ensuring that any media accessed through these services does not violate copyright and/or licensing laws. ReviewVPN does not promote, link to, or receive compensation from any Apps and IPTV services.
Install Surfshark on Firestick
How to Install Ultimate Whitecream Addon on Kodi with Screenshots
1. From the home screen, select the cogwheel at the upper left.
2. Select System in the bottom right corner.
3. Select Add-ons on the left side of the screen.
4. Select Unknown sources.
5. Click Yes to allow unknown sources.
6. Select File manager.
7. Click Add source.
8. Click on <None>.
9. Type exactly: https://fusion.tvaddons.co
10. Click on OK.
11. Select enter a name for this media source.
12. Name is Ultimate Whitecream (this part isn’t critical as long as you remember the name).
13. Click on OK.
14. Click on OK.
15. Take one step back and click on Add-ons.
16. Select install from zip file.
17. Click on Ultimate Whitecream (or whatever you named the source).
18. Click on kodi-repos
19. Select on xxx-adult
20. Select on Repository.kodiadult-1.0.0.zip
21. Select Install from Repository
22. Click on TVADDONS.CO Adult 19+ Add-on Repo
23. Pick Video add-ons.
24. Select Ultimate Whitecream Video again.
25. Click on Install.
26. Select Version 1.1.99 (TVADDONS.COM Adult 18+ Add-on Repo
27. Select OK after reviewing the add-ons that will be installed.
28. You should see a popup in the upper right corner saying Ultimate Whitecream has been installed. There will actually be multiple popups for the various components.
29. Click on Open to start the Ultimate Whitecream add-on.
Fast and Safe Streaming with VPN
To safeguard your online safety and privacy, we always recommend utilizing a Virtual Private Network on your device. The benefit of using a VPN is that it will automatically mask your real IP address and online identity, allowing you to remain anonymous online.
Surfshark is one of the most reliable VPNs when it comes to privacy and security. This VPN is a good option if you love to stream adult content on your Kodi because with this VPN you can safely stream without your ISP knowing it. Whereas, Surfshark safely hides all of your online activities and gives you the privacy that you need. The good thing is, that it also allows you to access any restricted content as it safely destroys geo-block or geo-restrictions. This VPN, on the other hand, protects all of your data with AES-250 encryption. It is an award-winning VPN with millions of users around the world.
Here are some of the impressive features of Surfshark:
- Surfshark’s protocols are perfect for use with Kodi.
- This VPN will definitely hide all of your online activities.
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Note: For more information about Surfshark, please read our Surfshark Review.
How to Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick
If your Firestick still has the older interface, read this article to learn how to update it: Update Firestick Interface.
1. Go to the Home screen of your Firestick.
2. Navigate towards the Find tab. Press the Search button from the resulting dropdown.
3. Type in the keyword of SurfShark and select from the suggestions that will appear.
4. Click the official SurfShark icon from your search results.
5. Press the Download (You own it) button.
6. The SurfShark VPN installer will download on your device.
7. SurfShark VPN’s app will automatically install itself on your Fire TV stick.
8. Press the Open button after completing SurfShark VPN’s installation process.
9. Please wait for the SurfShark VPN to load its user interface.
10. You can now log in with your SurfShark VPN account credentials.
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