Real-Debrid vs Alldebrid vs Premiumize

Ad posting and through Premium Accounts


Real Debrid, Alldebrid, and Premiumize are what we call a Premium Link Generator. What they do is help you out in finding the best working links available on the web and serve them to you through the App that you are using.

These generators can be integrated either through Kodi Add-ons or In-App Log-ins. When they are integrated, the links that will be given to you are guaranteed to work 100%. Thus, how do we know which of the three is the best? In this article, we will be discussing each program in detail and hopefully, in the end, you may have the choice on which to choose.

Before we start diving into the specifications of each, we would like to discuss how a Premium Link Generator works and what benefits do you get from using one.

In a nutshell, you can consider a link generator as cloud storage. Storage that is used by “uploaders” to store their links. The “host” will store the links for free and reward the “uploaders” a specific amount of money.

Nonetheless, the “uploaders” would have to make sure that they meet the required no. of downloads to get paid. You may be wondering, “It allows uploaders to use the storage for free? How do they earn money?”. The answer is simple, they earn money from what we call “downloaders”.

There are two ways that the host earns money: Ad posting and through Premium Accounts. Premium Account is the most simple way to earn, and that should speak for itself. However, the former is a bit tedious but please bear with us, it will be worth it.

Nonetheless, the “downloaders” are required to post the link of the file and in return, they get to download the file directly with no speed capping and limit. Every time a  posted link gets clicked by another person, the redirected webpage will have an ad on it. It usually lasts 60 seconds before the file can be downloaded, that is when the “host” earns money because of the ads. So, it is not that complicated, right?

What is a Premium Link Generator? A Premium Link Generator is a service subscription that allows “downloaders” to have a premium service without actually paying for anything. We hope that was informative on your end.

So now, we can dive in on who is the better/best Premium Link Generator among the three.



Criteria for Judging

  1.     Price Point
  2.     Capacity
  3.     Compatibility with a VPN
  4.     Integration
  5.     Technical Support
  6.     Buffer Rate
  7.     Rewards System



Brand 15 days 30 days 90 days 180 days 365 days
Real Debrid $3.38 $4.51 $10.15 $18.04 n/a
Alldebrid $3.37 $4.50 $10.13 $18.02 n/a
Premiumize n/a $11.26 $28.17 n/a $78.90


If you look closely at the graph above, you will notice that Real Debrid and Alldebrid have almost the same price. Alldebrid is cheaper by mere cents. However, Premiumize is the most expensive out of the three because it claims that there are added features that the other two do not have and they are as follows:



WebDAV Support

        In Your Kodi’s File Manager, Premiumize will be considered as a source. You can directly stream from the cloud without the need for an add-on.


Cloud Storage

        Media Files are kept in a personal cloud storage area. It allows you to upload and download from Premiumize going to your PC/Laptop or Kodi.


Usenet Access

        Access to more content via binary Usenet groups.



        It has its own brand of VPN. No longer needs another application for this.


         Geo Unrestrict

        Access website with geo-blocking


VoIP Calls

        IP Calls in any part of the globe.

Out of the three, Real Debrid is the most popular and go-to provider but as time went by, Alldebrid has been making strides. Premiumize, on the other hand, is expensive, but if you are very particular when it comes to the added features that it offers, you can go for it. Only Alldebrid offers a 7-day trial so you may want to try it first and decide what amongst the three fits your preference and need. However, everything will depend on your internet speed, and won’t see much of a difference in the long run.



Brand No. of File Hosts
Real Debrid 51
Alldebrid 72
Premiumize 55


Real Debrid has is home to Rapidgator, Uploaded, FileFactory, OpenLoad, VK, and TurboBit. Premiumize, on the other hand, has a few more because it is hosting adult content and you can directly download the content to your cloud storage. Lastly, Alldebrid contains basically the same as the two and a few more additions.

Compatibility with a VPN


Compatible with any VPN. Just make sure to turn off your VPN first before you install it and after which you can turn it back on.



It’s not that it’s incompatible with a VPN but you won’t be needing it with Alldebrid because the IP that will be shown is theirs, not yours. Nonetheless, there’s no need to mask your location and IP Address.




It doesn’t require an outside VPN because the package that you will be paying already includes their in-house VPN and Geo-Blocker.

Note – Please click on this link for your VPN Installation Guide and this for purchasing one. However, we highly recommend Surfshark as it is one of the best VPNs out there.


App Integration

Integrating your link generator to Kodi is very popular nowadays. A lot of Kodi Add-ons support this integration but now all do. Nonetheless, we will be showing you our top 8 APKs and if they are compatible with these three link generators featured in this article.

APK Real Debrid Alldebrid Premiumize
Bee TV ü    ü     
Unlock My TV ü    ü     
Cyberflix ü    ü     
Kodi ü    ü    ü   
Cinema HD ü    ü    ü   
TVZion ü    ü    ü   
Catmouse ü    ü     
Morph TV ü    ü     



ReviewVPN cannot attest to the legality, security and privacy of the applications discussed on this site. It is highly recommended that you use a VPN service while streaming or using Kodi.

Currently, your IP is visible to everyone and your Browser is being tracked by Advertisers & ISP Provider.

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Here are the main reasons why you must use a VPN:

  • Your activities are hidden from your ISP, the government, and from the apps you are using.
  • You can access additional movies and TV streams.
  • ISP attempts to throttle are thrwarted thus reducing buffering issues.
  • Geographically restricted content like Netflix and Hulu can be unblocked.

A VPN works be replacing your ISP-assigned IP address and creating an encrypted tunnel. We recommend the no log service offered by IPVanish. It works well on a Firestick and offers the fastest possible speeds.

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As you can see in the chart provided above, Real-Debrid and Alldebrid can be integrated with all of the given apks, while Premiumize cannot be integrated into all of them. When we talk about Kodi, the real superstar here is Real-Debrid as it supports many of the most popular Kodi Add-ons available. Premiumize, on the other hand, can only by a hand few because some of the content these add-ons offer can be directly downloaded to your cloud storage.


Technical Support

All three have a good support system. In case issues arise, feel free to contact them. Nonetheless, we will be providing the links below.

Real Debrid




Buffer Rate

As you would already know, the main key in this aspect is your internet speed. Buffering all depends on your Internet Plan and the signal that it gives off. Location is a primary concern since Internet Speed per country varies in many ways. However, in the US, the average rate for an internet subscription starts at $50 and will go up depending on the speed of your plan. This will not totally affect your buffer rate but for countries like the Philippines, it is a different story. They pay for almost the same price or even higher but get lousy connection and speed, hence, the buffer rate is very high affecting the quality of videos. Nonetheless, no matter how good each of the three is, it will all boil down to this aspect. Supposing you have a very good connection this is what we have found out.



        A link that we used for a 720p video with a size of 1Gb played the whole video without any pause or interruption.



        The link we used was also 720p with a size of 0.91Gb and had the same result as Real-Debrid.



        We used a link that was 1080p with a size of 2.1Gb and was buffering badly and continued for a while before playing the movie continuously.

Out of the three, Premiumize is lagging behind. Take note that we did change our CDN for Premiumize when we first experienced the buffering. But to no avail, it did not improve at all. Nonetheless, considering the facts given, we’d say that Real-Debrid and Alldebrid are the better options regarding this aspect.


Rewards System

The very cool thing about using these three is that you get incentives whenever you get to invite your friends or new subscribers to join the club. However, rewards vary depending on the bulk of referrals you do and when they sign up and do referrals too, the more it gets for you.



Real Debrid

real debrid logo

You will always be given a Real Debrid referral link. If friends of yours use that link to sign up for the Premium Account, you will be rewarded with an additional 5 Premium Days and 50 Fidelity Points. These are considered loyalty points for every 1000 points. You can avail yourself another 30 days for the Premium Account. Nonetheless, if you were able to gather 20 referrals, which is equivalent to another 30 days plus the 100 base days you will receive.



all debrid

It is almost the same as Real Debrid. If a friend uses your All Debrid referral link to purchase a 30-day plan, you will be rewarded with 5 free days/points. Nonetheless, if a friend purchases the 90-day plan with your All Debrid referral link, you will be rewarded with 10 free days/points. The points that you earn can be accrued over time.

However, you can use them for the extension of your own premium account or you have to option to gift it to another friend to access a premium account.




For every Premiumize referral link that is used by your friend, you will receive an additional 15 days to your Premium Account. And the good news is, your friend will also receive an additional 15 days if he/she uses your Premiumize referral link to sign up compared to signing up on their own.


How to Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick

If your Firestick still has the older interface, read this article to learn how to update it: Update Firestick Interface.

Follow our screenshots below to install the Surfshark VPN app on your Fire TV stick.

1. Go to the Home screen of your Firestick.

step 1 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


2. Navigate towards the Find tab. Press the Search button from the resulting dropdown.

step 2 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


3. Type in the keyword of Surfshark and select from the suggestions that will appear.

step 3 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


4. Click the official SurfShark icon from your search results.

step 4 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


5. Press the Download (You own it) button.

step 5 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


6. The Surfshark VPN installer will download on your device.

step 6 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


7. SurfShark VPN’s app will automatically install itself on your Fire TV stick.

step 7 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


8. Press the Open button after completing Surfshark VPN’s installation process.

step 8 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


9. Please wait for the SurfShark VPN to load its user interface.

step 9 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick


10. You can now log in with your Surfshark VPN account credentials.

step 10 Install Surfshark VPN on Firestick

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Other VPNs to Consider

NordVPN (Best for Streaming)

Best Features

  • 5000+ Server in 50+ Countries 
  • Military-Grade Encryption
  • Fast Connection Speed
  • Suitable to a lot of devices
  • No-Log Policy

  • Complete $5.89 per month (64% Discount)
  • Plus $4.59 per month (56% Discount)
  • Standard $3.69 per month (55% Discount)

Best Features

  • 750+ High-speed VPN Servers in 43 Locations
  • Military-Grade Encryption
  • Fastest HD Streaming and Gaming
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Unlimited Data & Devices
  • No-Log Policy

  • 3 Years $1.99 per month (82% Discount)
  • 1 Years $3.29 per month (70% Discount)
  • 1 Month $10.99 per month

IPVanish VPN (Most Secure)

Best Features

  • 1200+ Servers in 60+ Countries around the world
  • Unlimited Connections
  • No-Log Policy
  • Top Notch Military-Grade VPN Protocols and Encryptions
  • 100% Safe and Secured
  • Most Trusted VPN
  • Best VPN for Firestick
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

  • Yearly $3.99 per month (63% Discount) – 30 days risk free + Ransomware & Malware Protection
  • Quarterly $5.32 per month (51% Discount)
  • Monthly $10.99 per month


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Other VPNs to Consider

NordVPN (Best for Streaming)

Best Features

  • 5000+ Server in 50+ Countries 
  • Military-Grade Encryption
  • Fast Connection Speed
  • Suitable to a lot of devices
  • No-Log Policy

  • Complete $5.89 per month (64% Discount)
  • Plus $4.59 per month (56% Discount)
  • Standard $3.69 per month (55% Discount)

Best Features

  • 750+ High-speed VPN Servers in 43 Locations
  • Military-Grade Encryption
  • Fastest HD Streaming and Gaming
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Unlimited Data & Devices
  • No-Log Policy

  • 3 Years $1.99 per month (82% Discount)
  • 1 Years $3.29 per month (70% Discount)
  • 1 Month $10.99 per month

IPVanish VPN (Most Secure)

Best Features

  • 1200+ Servers in 60+ Countries around the world
  • Unlimited Connections
  • No-Log Policy
  • Top Notch Military-Grade VPN Protocols and Encryptions
  • 100% Safe and Secured
  • Most Trusted VPN
  • Best VPN for Firestick
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

  • Yearly $3.99 per month (63% Discount) – 30 days risk free + Ransomware & Malware Protection
  • Quarterly $5.32 per month (51% Discount)
  • Monthly $10.99 per month


For more VPN discounts, go to ReviewVPN Deals and purchase the best VPN for you.


Our Verdict

Choosing which is the best Premium Link Generator actually depends on your preferences and needs. If you are going for your money’s worth, then go for Real Debrid or Alldebrid. These two are more reasonably priced and in essence, do the same thing as Premiumize.

But, you may also try Premiumize and see what the fuss is all about regarding its added features. Everything will all boil down to how you want your viewing experience to be.

Without any of these three, you might not be able to run certain Kodi Add-ons because integrating them is very essential. Also, please bear in mind the benefits of having a Premium Link Generator integrated into your device.

However, it allows you to have the best working links out there, and thus it gives you a better entertainment experience compared to one that lacks any of the three. As we have stated earlier, it is all up to you to decide which one to choose because it is better to have any of them rather than having none at all.

But if we were to be brutally honest about it, we would say that we are leaning more so lightly toward Real Debrid because out of the three it is the most versatile and the most compatible with the majority of Kodi Add-ons and Apps.


Our Opinion

If you want to explore the difference, what you can do is subscribe to a 15-day plan to Real Debrid and after that expires, you can go ahead and avail of the free 7-day trial of Alldebrid. As for Premiumize, you can avail of the 30-day plan and see the difference with its added features.

It is different when you have a hands-on experience and then you can decide for yourself but you can trust us that what we write here at ReviewVPN is honest and all based on facts.

Nonetheless, we hope that this article served you well in determining the best Premium Link Generator. Should there be comments, suggestions, and questions, please drop a comment below or at any of our other social media platforms. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead!

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